command_line module

Contains the required classes and various utility methods to allow the addition of 3rd party commands into the command-line portion of the editor.

class command_line.command_api.ComplexCommand(cmd_handler)[source]

Bases: command_line.command_api._CommandBase

Represents a base command that holds sub-commands

classmethod get_subclasses()[source]

Utility function to get all classes that extend this one

Return type:List[Type[ComplexCommand]]
Returns:A list of all subclasses
classmethod help(command_name=None)[source]

Abstract method that prints a detailed description of all the commands held by the base command if called with default arguments. If help is called on a specific command, the subcommand’s name will supplied with command_name

This method expects all information to be printed, nothing returned will be used

Parameters:command_name – The name/identifier of the specific command help was called on, None if help was called on the base command of the ComplexCommand
classmethod short_help()[source]

Abstract method for displaying a short help/summary message about the general purpose of the sub-commands

This method should return a string that is <= 50 characters in length, anything longer will be truncated to 50 characters

Return type:str
class command_line.command_api.Mode(cmd_line_handler)[source]

Bases: object

Represents a configurable state that the command line can enter. This is useful for controlling the execution of various commands


Called before the execution of a command. Return True to run the given command, False to halt the execution.

Parameters:command (List[str]) – The command that is to be executed
Return type:bool

Called when the mode is entered

Return type:bool
Returns:Return False if the mode is not ready to be entered, otherwise return True.

Called when the mode is exited

Return type:bool
Returns:Return False if the mode is not ready to be exited, otherwise return True. If the exit command is supplied a ‘-f’ argument, then the return value is ignored
class command_line.command_api.SimpleCommand(cmd_handler)[source]

Bases: command_line.command_api._CommandBase

Represents a command that can be executed within the command line

classmethod get_subclasses()[source]

Utility function to get all classes that extend this one

Return type:List[Type[SimpleCommand]]
Returns:A list of all subclasses

Abstract method for displaying a detailed help message about the command

This method expects all information to be printed, nothing returned will be used


Abstract method where the command logic is ran when the command is executed

Parameters:args (List[str]) – The arguments of the full command

Abstract method for displaying a short help/summary message about the command

This method should return a string that is <= 50 characters in length, anything longer will be truncated to 50 characters

Return type:str
class command_line.command_api.WorldMode(cmd_line_handler, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: command_line.command_api.Mode


Called before the execution of a command. Return True to run the given command, False to halt the execution.

Parameters:command – The command that is to be executed
Return type:bool

Called when the mode is entered

Return type:bool
Returns:Return False if the mode is not ready to be entered, otherwise return True.

Called when the mode is exited

Return type:bool
Returns:Return False if the mode is not ready to be exited, otherwise return True. If the exit command is supplied a ‘-f’ argument, then the return value is ignored
class command_line.command_api._CommandBase(cmd_handler)[source]

Bases: object

Abstract class that both SimpleCommand and ComplexCommand inherit from

Note: Any class that inherits this class won’t be registered as a command, you must inherit from SimpleCommand or ComplexCommand


Utility method for printing an error message

Parameters:message (Any) – The error message

Method for getting a Mode that the program is in

Parameters:mode_class (Type[Mode]) – The class of the Mode instance to get
Return type:Mode
Returns:The instance of the specified Mode, None if the mode hasn’t been entered

Allows parsing and access to the shared data pool from a data accessor entry marked by a $

Parameters:entry_path (str) – The path to search for an entry, can start with a “$” but isn’t required to
Return type:Optional[object]
Returns:The value stored at the entry path, or None if the entry path couldn’t be found

Method for checking whether the program is in the specified Mode

Parameters:mode_class (Type[Mode]) – The class of the Mode to check for
Return type:bool
Returns:True if the program is in the specified Mode, False otherwise

Utility method for printing a warning message

Parameters:message (Any) – The warning message

Registers a class as a command. If the class’ parent is SimpleCommand, then it will use the abstracted methods. If the class’ parent is ComplexCommand, then any method decorated with the subcommand decorator is registered as a sub-command of the given command name.

Parameters:command_name (str) – The name used to identify the command, or the base command if using ComplexCommand
Return type:Type[Union[SimpleCommand, ComplexCommand]]

Utility function for parsing X,Y,Z coordinates from a string

Parameters:coord (str) – The coordinate string to parse
Return type:Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]]
Returns:A tuple of the coordinates as ints in X,Y,Z order

Registers the decorated method as a subcommand of the containing ComplexCommand.

Parameters:sub_command_name (str) – The name/identifier of the subcommand
Return type:Callable[[List[str]], None]