Source code for command_line.command_api

Contains the required classes and various utility methods to allow the addition of 3rd
party commands into the command-line portion of the editor.
from __future__ import annotations

import os
from typing import List, Type, Tuple, Union, Callable, Any, Optional
import re

from import World
from api.world_loader import loader

_coordinate_regex = re.compile(r"<(?P<x>-?\d+),(?P<y>\d+),(?P<z>-?\d+)>")

[docs]def parse_coordinates(coord: str) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]]: """ Utility function for parsing X,Y,Z coordinates from a string :param coord: The coordinate string to parse :return: A tuple of the coordinates as ints in X,Y,Z order """ match = _coordinate_regex.match(coord) if match: return int("x")), int("y")), int("z")) return None
[docs]def command(command_name: str) -> Type[Union[SimpleCommand, ComplexCommand]]: """ Registers a class as a command. If the class' parent is SimpleCommand, then it will use the abstracted methods. If the class' parent is ComplexCommand, then any method decorated with the `subcommand` decorator is registered as a sub-command of the given command name. :param command_name: The name used to identify the command, or the base command if using ComplexCommand """ def decorator(command_class): command_class.registered = False if isinstance(command_class, type): if issubclass(command_class, SimpleCommand): command_class.command = (, command_name) command_class.registered = True elif issubclass(command_class, ComplexCommand): command_class.base_command = command_name command_class.registered = True return command_class return decorator
[docs]class _CommandBase: """ Abstract class that both :class:`SimpleCommand` and :class:`ComplexCommand` inherit from Note: Any class that inherits this class won't be registered as a command, you must inherit from :class:`SimpleCommand` or :class:`ComplexCommand` """
[docs] def get_mode(self, mode_class: Type[Mode]) -> Mode: """ Method for getting a Mode that the program is in :param mode_class: The class of the Mode instance to get :return: The instance of the specified Mode, None if the mode hasn't been entered """ return self.handler.get_mode(mode_class)
[docs] def in_mode(self, mode_class: Type[Mode]) -> bool: """ Method for checking whether the program is in the specified Mode :param mode_class: The class of the Mode to check for :return: True if the program is in the specified Mode, False otherwise """ return self.handler.in_mode(mode_class)
def __init__(self, cmd_handler): self.handler = cmd_handler # self.in_mode = self.handler.in_mode # self.get_mode = self.handler.get_mode
[docs] def error(self, message: Any): """ Utility method for printing an error message :param message: The error message """ print(f"=== Error: {message}")
[docs] def warning(self, message: Any): """ Utility method for printing a warning message :param message: The warning message """ print(f"== Warning: {message}")
[docs] def get_shared_data(self, entry_path: str) -> Optional[object]: """ Allows parsing and access to the shared data pool from a data accessor entry marked by a ``$`` :param entry_path: The path to search for an entry, can start with a "$" but isn't required to :return: The value stored at the entry path, or None if the entry path couldn't be found """ if entry_path.startswith("$"): entry_path = entry_path[1:] depth = entry_path.split(":") current_dict = self.handler.shared_data for key in depth[:-1]: if key not in current_dict: return None current_dict = current_dict[key] if depth[-1] not in current_dict: return None return current_dict[depth[-1]]
[docs]class SimpleCommand(_CommandBase): """ Represents a command that can be executed within the command line """
[docs] @classmethod def get_subclasses(cls) -> List[Type[SimpleCommand]]: """ Utility function to get all classes that extend this one :return: A list of all subclasses """ result = [] for subcls in cls.__subclasses__(): result.append(subcls) result.extend(subcls.get_subclasses()) return result
[docs] def run(self, args: List[str]): """ Abstract method where the command logic is ran when the command is executed :param args: The arguments of the full command """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def help(self): """ Abstract method for displaying a detailed help message about the command This method expects all information to be printed, nothing returned will be used """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def short_help(self) -> str: """ Abstract method for displaying a short help/summary message about the command This method should return a string that is <= 50 characters in length, anything longer will be truncated to 50 characters """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def subcommand(sub_command_name: str) -> Callable[[List[str]], None]: """ Registers the decorated method as a subcommand of the containing ComplexCommand. :param sub_command_name: The name/identifier of the subcommand """ def decorator(f): f.command = (f, sub_command_name) return f return decorator
[docs]class ComplexCommand(_CommandBase): """ Represents a base command that holds sub-commands """ def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): cls._persistent_data = {} cls.sub_commands = {} for key, val in cls.__dict__.items(): sub_cmd = getattr(val, "command", None) if sub_cmd: cls.sub_commands[sub_cmd[1]] = sub_cmd[0]
[docs] @classmethod def get_subclasses(cls) -> List[Type[ComplexCommand]]: """ Utility function to get all classes that extend this one :return: A list of all subclasses """ result = [] for sub in cls.__subclasses__(): result.append(sub) result.extend(sub.get_subclasses()) return result
[docs] @classmethod def help(cls, command_name: str = None): """ Abstract method that prints a detailed description of all the commands held by the base command if called with default arguments. If help is called on a specific command, the subcommand's name will supplied with `command_name` This method expects all information to be printed, nothing returned will be used :arg command_name: The name/identifier of the specific command help was called on, None if help was called on the base command of the ComplexCommand """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @classmethod def short_help(cls) -> str: """ Abstract method for displaying a short help/summary message about the general purpose of the sub-commands This method should return a string that is <= 50 characters in length, anything longer will be truncated to 50 characters """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class Mode: """ Represents a configurable state that the command line can enter. This is useful for controlling the execution of various commands """ def __init__(self, cmd_line_handler): self.handler = cmd_line_handler def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): cls._persistent_data = {} def display(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def before_execution(self, command: List[str]) -> bool: """ Called before the execution of a command. Return True to run the given command, False to halt the execution. :param command: The command that is to be executed """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def enter(self) -> bool: """ Called when the mode is entered :return: Return False if the mode is not ready to be entered, otherwise return True. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def exit(self) -> bool: """ Called when the mode is exited :return: Return False if the mode is not ready to be exited, otherwise return True. If the exit command is supplied a '-f' argument, then the return value is ignored """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class WorldMode(Mode): def __init__(self, cmd_line_handler, **kwargs): super(WorldMode, self).__init__(cmd_line_handler) self._world_path = kwargs.get("world") self._load_format = kwargs.get("world_format") self._load_forced = kwargs.get("forced") self._world_name = os.path.basename(self._world_path) self._world: World = loader.load_world( self._world_path, format=self._load_format, forced=self._load_forced ) @property def world_path(self) -> str: return self._world_path @property def world(self) -> World: return self._world def display(self) -> str: return self._world_name
[docs] def before_execution(self, cmd) -> bool: return True
[docs] def enter(self) -> bool: if self.handler.in_mode(WorldMode): print("You cannot load a world if another world is already loaded!") return False if __debug__: if self._load_format is not None: print(f"Entered world mode using {self._load_format}") else: print("Entered world mode") return True
[docs] def exit(self) -> bool: if __debug__: print("Exiting world mode") self._world.exit() return True