Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import itertools
import os
import shutil
from typing import Union, Generator, Dict, Optional
from importlib import import_module

import numpy

from api.history import HistoryManager
from api.chunk import Chunk, SubChunk
from api.operation import Operation
from api.paths import get_temp_dir
from utils.world_utils import (

[docs]class WorldFormat: """ Base class for World objects """ mapping_handler: numpy.ndarray = None _materials = None
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, directory: str, definitions) -> World: """ Loads the Minecraft world contained in the given directory with the supplied definitions :param directory: The directory of the world to load :param definitions: The definitions to load the world with :return: The loaded world in a `World` object """ raise NotImplementedError()
def get_blocks(self, cx: int, cz: int) -> numpy.ndarray: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @classmethod def from_unified_format(cls, unified: World) -> WorldFormat: """ Converts the passed object to the specific implementation :param unified: The object to convert :return object: The result of the conversion, None if not successful """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def save(self) -> None: """ Saves the current WorldFormat to disk """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class World: """ Class that handles world editing of any world format via an separate and flexible data format """ def __init__(self, directory: str, root_tag, wrapper: WorldFormat): self._directory = directory shutil.rmtree(get_temp_dir(self._directory), ignore_errors=True) self._root_tag = root_tag self._wrapper = wrapper self.blocks_cache: Dict[Coordinates, Chunk] = {} self.history_manager = HistoryManager() def exit(self): # TODO: add "unsaved changes" check before exit shutil.rmtree(get_temp_dir(self._directory), ignore_errors=True) @property def block_definitions(self) -> numpy.ndarray: return self._wrapper.mapping_handler
[docs] def get_chunk(self, cx: int, cz: int) -> Chunk: """ Gets the chunk data of the specified chunk coordinates :param cx: The X coordinate of the desired chunk :param cz: The Z coordinate of the desired chunk :return: The blocks, entities, and tile entities in the chunk """ if (cx, cz) in self.blocks_cache: return self.blocks_cache[(cx, cz)] chunk = Chunk(cx, cz, self._wrapper.get_blocks) self.blocks_cache[(cx, cz)] = chunk return self.blocks_cache[(cx, cz)]
[docs] def get_block(self, x: int, y: int, z: int) -> str: """ Gets the blockstate at the specified coordinates :param x: The X coordinate of the desired block :param y: The Y coordinate of the desired block :param z: The Z coordinate of the desired block :return: The blockstate name as a string """ if not (0 <= y <= 255): raise IndexError("The supplied Y coordinate must be between 0 and 255") cx, cz = block_coords_to_chunk_coords(x, z) offset_x, offset_z = x - 16 * cx, z - 16 * cz chunk = self.get_chunk(cx, cz) block = chunk[offset_x, y, offset_z].blocks return self._wrapper.mapping_handler[block]
def get_sub_chunks( self, *args: Union[slice, int] ) -> Generator[SubChunk, None, None]: length = len(args) if length == 3: s_x, s_y, s_z = args elif length == 6: s_x, s_y, s_z = ( slice(args[0], args[3]), slice(args[1], args[4]), slice(args[2], args[5]), ) elif length == 9: s_x, s_y, s_z = ( slice(args[0], args[3], args[6]), slice(args[1], args[4], args[7]), slice(args[2], args[5], args[8]), ) else: raise IndexError( "Length of parameters to 'get_sub_chunks' should be 3, 6 or 9" ) if not ( isinstance(s_x, slice) and isinstance(s_y, slice) and isinstance(s_z, slice) ): raise IndexError("The function 'get_sub_chunks' gets only slices") first_chunk = block_coords_to_chunk_coords(s_x.start, s_z.start) last_chunk = block_coords_to_chunk_coords(s_x.stop, s_z.stop) for chunk_pos in itertools.product( range(first_chunk[0], last_chunk[0] + 1), range(first_chunk[1], last_chunk[1] + 1), ): x_slice_for_chunk = ( blocks_slice_to_chunk_slice(s_x) if chunk_pos == first_chunk else slice(None) ) z_slice_for_chunk = ( blocks_slice_to_chunk_slice(s_z) if chunk_pos == last_chunk else slice(None) ) chunk = self.get_chunk(*chunk_pos) yield chunk[x_slice_for_chunk, s_y, z_slice_for_chunk] def run_operation_from_operation_name( self, operation_name: str, *args ) -> Optional[Exception]: operation_module = import_module(f"operations.{operation_name}") operation_class_name = "".join(x.title() for x in operation_name.split("_")) operation_class = getattr(operation_module, operation_class_name) operation_instance = operation_class(*args) try: self.run_operation(operation_instance) except Exception as e: self._revert_all_chunks() return e self.history_manager.add_operation(operation_instance) self._save_to_undo() def _revert_all_chunks(self): for chunk_pos, chunk in self.blocks_cache.items(): if chunk.previous_unsaved_state is None: continue self.blocks_cache[chunk_pos] = chunk.previous_unsaved_state def _save_to_undo(self): for chunk in self.blocks_cache.values(): if chunk.previous_unsaved_state is None: continue chunk.previous_unsaved_state.save_to_file( os.path.join( get_temp_dir(self._directory), f"Operation_{self.history_manager.undo_stack.size()}", ) ) chunk.previous_unsaved_state = None def undo(self): path = os.path.join( get_temp_dir(self._directory), f"Operation_{self.history_manager.undo_stack.size()}", ) for chunk_name in os.listdir(path): if not chunk_name.startswith("chunk"): continue cx, cz = chunk_name.split("_")[1:] cx, cz = int(cx), int(cz) if (cx, cz) in self.blocks_cache: self.blocks_cache[(cx, cz)].load_from_file(path) self.history_manager.undo() def redo(self): operation_to_redo = self.history_manager.redo() self.run_operation(operation_to_redo) self._save_to_undo() def run_operation(self, operation_instance: Operation) -> None: operation_instance.run_operation(self)